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Gain critical insights into subsurface pressure dynamics in the Permian Basin.

Produced water disposal volumes have skyrocketed from under 900 million barrels in 2010 to over 5 billion barrels in 2022, with forecasts reaching 7 billion barrels by 2030. Managing subsurface pressure is more crucial than ever.


Key Insights from the Guide

  • 85% of produced water is disposed of via over 2,000 injection wells in key sub-basins.
  • Shift from deep to shallow disposal zones due to increased seismicity.
  • Understanding pressure buildup and dissipation is essential to mitigating risks.

What You'll Learn

  • Detailed Analysis of Produced Water Disposal Trends: Understand the historical and projected growth in disposal volumes.
  • Insights into Disposal Practices: Learn about the primary injection intervals and the shift from deep to shallow disposal zones.
  • Formation Pressure Responses: Explore how pressure builds up during active injection and the factors affecting it.
  • Impact of Pressure Changes: Discover the correlation between shallow formation pressure changes and seismic events.
  • Hypothetical Scenarios: Assess the effects of potential reductions in permitted surface pressure on disposal capacity.
  • How SIP Addresses These Challenges: Gain knowledge about SIP's novel approach to managing pressure challenges using AI.