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Master the Power of Subsurface Interval Pressure Data


Managing subsurface pressures is becoming increasingly challenging with the surge in produced water volumes—from just under 900 million barrels in 2010 to over 5 billion barrels in 2022, and projections reaching 7 billion barrels by 2030.

The SIP Product Guide is your comprehensive resource to understand and leverage the Subsurface Interval Pressure (SIP) data effectively.

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What's Inside the SIP Product Guide

    • Dataset Dictionary: Understand the structure and components of SIP products, including the distinctions between the SIP Dataset and SIP Quarterly Report.
    • Directory Structure Guidance: Learn how to navigate the SIP dataset, organized by well sets, temporal resolutions, and output types.
    • Output Types Explained:
      • Well-Specific Data: Access detailed georeferenced data at injection well locations.
      • Basin-Wide Data: Utilize static pressure rasters and isobands for regional pressure estimates.
      • Images & Animations: Leverage pre-packaged visualizations for quick insights and presentations.
    • Data Column Definitions: Detailed explanations of each field in the well-specific data, ensuring accurate analysis and integration.
    • Best Practices: Tips on selecting the appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions for your specific challenges.



Holistic Data Management

SIP provides spatiotemporal collections of files and data, allowing you to analyze pressure dynamics at the resolution that best fits your operational needs.

Adaptable Solutions 

Whether you're zooming in on specific wells or looking at basin-wide trends, SIP data helps you make informed decisions.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

With continuous updates incorporating new input, training, and validation data, SIP ensures you're always working with the most current information.

Ready to Transform Your Pressure Management Strategies?

Download the SIP Product Guide to unlock the full potential of subsurface pressure data and stay ahead in the ever-evolving oil and gas landscape.