Your Texas-Optimized Water Management Solution
Texas, with its diverse landscape and prolific shale plays such as the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford, and Haynesville, demands a groundbreaking approach to oilfield water management.
Introducing our OilfieldH2O Platform for Texas, your secret weapon for mastering the water lifecycle in oilfield water management and business development. Harness unrivaled data, tools, and analytics to plan and manage disposal, sourcing, and risk across the Lone Star State.

What’s Inside the Texas Treasure Chest?
- Injection Wells: Permits, documents, injection volumes, pressure data—enhanced with superior analytics and visualization.
- Production Sites and Water Delivery Records: Trace each barrel of water from production to disposal.
- Water Wells: Discover aquifers, well use, status, ownership and more.
- Land Parcels: Simplify the visualization of land ownership and its impact on water movement.
Master the oilfield water landscape with the OilfieldH2O Platform by B3 Insight. Redefining oilfield water management in the heart of U.S. Shale—Texas.